
Hey it's me, Tutti

How much is enough?

Published 8 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

Running your own business can be a lonely endeavor. I surround myself with a lot of support, having two coaches of my own right now. My business coach, Dorie Clark, runs a group coaching program for entrepreneurs and one question that came up in our last meeting was – “How much is enough?”

This is one of those tricky coaching questions. Would you want more money? More time to devote to exercise and personal self-care routines? More quality time with friends and family?

Almost everyone will say a resounding YES in answer to these questions.

But often, we’re not willing to put in what it takes.

More money takes the hustle to get more sales in the door or to negotiate a higher salary.
More time for yourself takes saying no to others and possibly disappointing them.
Quality time with friends and family often falls by the wayside when there is an endless to-do list that much get done and is impossible to drop.

So what’s the answer? For me, it’s looking at the context of each month or each season and figuring out what’s most important in that time period. And celebrating the shit out of what you decided to prioritize.

For July / August / September, I prioritized travel, family and in-person experiences, especially with my kids out of school for the summer. My kids had a fantastic trip to Thailand to visit my mom and other family. I’ve been doing more in-person speaking resulting in more travel. I’m running a retreat in Mendocino called the Heroine’s Journey with one of my best friends in two weeks. And I’ve just returned from a phenomenal 7 day adventure to Burning Man where I introduced my sister to the burner experience.

I can look at all the parts of my business and life that I’m neglecting (my book, creating new course content, writing more articles for Harvard Business Review) and mourn the fact that I didn’t get to spend time on them. This loss aversion is super painful and exacerbated when I seek out examples of how well other people have done in this category. Believe me, I'm good at wallowing in not-enoughness and all the things I didn't get done.

Or… I can celebrate what I’ve been doing well.

More often, the high achievers I work with focus on the losses rather than the wins. Many of us want to be better and (mistakenly) think that focus on what we need to change / improve will get us to the end goal faster.

Yet, if we think about “How much is enough?” it’s more about celebrating the wins. So I give you this picture of celebration:

My Writing (and Video): Life Lessons from Burning Man

If you saw as the recent news about disaster, death, and mud-sticking chaos and you’re curious to learn more, I share some stories from the playa experience, always couched in leadership learnings, in this first post of three. Or, just jump to the one-minute video for the overall vibe.

One Quote from Me

“It’s perfectly normal for something new to be uncomfortable.”

One Quote from Others

“Any time you tell people that it’s okay to be lazy, it’ll go viral. [That content] is hot.” —Dorie Clark

Reader, what is enough for you? It’s pretty normal to feel like we never can attain it. But if there is something that makes you feel enough, hit reply and share it with me. I’d love to hear it.

Wishing you space,

P.S. My best friend Irene Salter and I have a brand new group leadership program for women, the Heroine’s Circle, that starts in October. You’ll be meeting online for 8 months with a cohort of caring, servant leaders who want more spaciousness and less overwhelm in their leadership. We’ll build this intimate community and practice sustainable success. We will celebrate reaching our big goals together with a retreat in Hawaii in May 2024. Reply to this email if this intrigues you

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Hey it's me, Tutti

I'm a leadership coach and writer. I support women, people of color, and immigrants in tech. In my first career, I was a design leader at design firms, startups, and large companies including Disney and Facebook. I write for Harvard Business Review, Business Insider, and Fast Company and my book Make Space to Lead shows high achievers how to reframe our relationship to work. This newsletter shares updates on my newest book Hardworking Rebels: How to Lead and Succeed as Asian American Women and leadership articles & inspiration every 2-4 weeks.

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